Author: St. Thomas Aquinas. 336 pg. PB
Although St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the Church’s most intellectually powerful theologians, few know that he also wrote a great deal that’s well within the reach of ordinary believers. In fact, as you’ll find in these pages, St. Thomas had a remarkable ability to communicate the Faith - including both its most complex and its simplest elements - in plain language.
Here you’ll find his deeply insightful, straightforward, and clear explanations of the Apostles’ Creed, the Commandments, and the Sacraments - as well as of the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary. In other words, this book will give you a basic course in the Catholic Faith, taught by the Church’s greatest theologian. Let him help you:
Gain a better grasp of Church doctrine
Pray with greater fervor and understanding
Receive the Sacraments more worthily
Learn what God requires of you and why
Explain Church teachings to non-Catholic friends
Discover the scriptural sources of our Catholic Faith
Find remedies for moral weaknesses that still afflict you
Glimpse the greatness of the Church’s supernatural mission
And much more! Above all, let St. Thomas teach you how to explain, defend, and live your Faith . . . with the clear-sighted wisdom of a saint! Learn the Faith from St. Thomas’s rich expositions of:
Four reasons why it’s reasonable to have religious faith
The most dangerous sin of all (Can you name it?)
Five ways faith enhances life: is your belief as life-changing as it ought to be?
How you may hinder the graces of the Sacraments without realizing it
Baptism: why it shouldn’t be put off until maturity, as Baptists believe
Three reasons why you should pray more, even if you’re already dedicated to prayer
Statues and religious pictures: why they’re not idolatrous, as many non-Catholics claim
Confirmation: why you must be anointed in order to receive the Holy Spirit
Three reasons why all Christians should cultivate devotion to Mary
What it really means to take the Lord’s name in vain - and why it’s dangerous to do so
Four ways you should respond to God’s words - are you responding as you should?
Two kinds of anger that aren’t sinful - and one kind that’s always sinful
“Thou shalt not kill”: why this Commandment doesn’t apply to animals
Why we pray “Thy kingdom come.” Do you really know what this means?
Divine and human law: do you know the differences? (Can you explain them?)
Three things you must do on Sunday - and three things you must not do
Hell: what Scripture shows us about what it’s really like - and how you can avoid it
Plus much more that was never as clearly and well explained as it is here by Aquinas!
Although St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the Church’s most intellectually powerful theologians, few know that he also wrote a great deal that’s well within the reach of ordinary believers. In fact, as you’ll find in these pages, St. Thomas had a remarkable ability to communicate the Faith - including both its most complex and its simplest elements - in plain language.
Here you’ll find his deeply insightful, straightforward, and clear explanations of the Apostles’ Creed, the Commandments, and the Sacraments - as well as of the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary. In other words, this book will give you a basic course in the Catholic Faith, taught by the Church’s greatest theologian. Let him help you:
Gain a better grasp of Church doctrine
Pray with greater fervor and understanding
Receive the Sacraments more worthily
Learn what God requires of you and why
Explain Church teachings to non-Catholic friends
Discover the scriptural sources of our Catholic Faith
Find remedies for moral weaknesses that still afflict you
Glimpse the greatness of the Church’s supernatural mission
And much more! Above all, let St. Thomas teach you how to explain, defend, and live your Faith . . . with the clear-sighted wisdom of a saint! Learn the Faith from St. Thomas’s rich expositions of:
Four reasons why it’s reasonable to have religious faith
The most dangerous sin of all (Can you name it?)
Five ways faith enhances life: is your belief as life-changing as it ought to be?
How you may hinder the graces of the Sacraments without realizing it
Baptism: why it shouldn’t be put off until maturity, as Baptists believe
Three reasons why you should pray more, even if you’re already dedicated to prayer
Statues and religious pictures: why they’re not idolatrous, as many non-Catholics claim
Confirmation: why you must be anointed in order to receive the Holy Spirit
Three reasons why all Christians should cultivate devotion to Mary
What it really means to take the Lord’s name in vain - and why it’s dangerous to do so
Four ways you should respond to God’s words - are you responding as you should?
Two kinds of anger that aren’t sinful - and one kind that’s always sinful
“Thou shalt not kill”: why this Commandment doesn’t apply to animals
Why we pray “Thy kingdom come.” Do you really know what this means?
Divine and human law: do you know the differences? (Can you explain them?)
Three things you must do on Sunday - and three things you must not do
Hell: what Scripture shows us about what it’s really like - and how you can avoid it
Plus much more that was never as clearly and well explained as it is here by Aquinas!