Editor: Maxwell Staniforth. 198 pg. PB
Collection of letters and theological treatises giving a rich and powerful articulation of the Faith. The writings in this volume shed a glimmer of light, in an otherwise dark period, on the emerging traditions and organizations of the infant Church. Like much of the New Testament, these writings take the form of letters, and for the most part deal with practical problems in the life of the early Church, as she struggled in the face of persecution to establish herself in the Roman world.
Collection of letters and theological treatises giving a rich and powerful articulation of the Faith. The writings in this volume shed a glimmer of light, in an otherwise dark period, on the emerging traditions and organizations of the infant Church. Like much of the New Testament, these writings take the form of letters, and for the most part deal with practical problems in the life of the early Church, as she struggled in the face of persecution to establish herself in the Roman world.