Jesus said to His disciples over and over, "Peace be with you." Healing through the Rosary also offers you "Peace." These prayers, songs and stories immerse you in an ocean of calmness and peace. They have already touched restless hearts in other religious denominations. Many testimonies unanimously agree that "Peace" is the very essence of this musical prayer. So, come and pray with Fr. Robert De Grandis, S.S.J. He will lead you in prayer and meditation with teenager Cecilia Kittley, as she opens your heart to the Mysteries of the Rosary with prayers and her special gift of singing.
Jesus said to His disciples over and over, "Peace be with you." Healing through the Rosary also offers you "Peace." These prayers, songs and stories immerse you in an ocean of calmness and peace. They have already touched restless hearts in other religious denominations. Many testimonies unanimously agree that "Peace" is the very essence of this musical prayer. So, come and pray with Fr. Robert De Grandis, S.S.J. He will lead you in prayer and meditation with teenager Cecilia Kittley, as she opens your heart to the Mysteries of the Rosary with prayers and her special gift of singing.