Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2018
Tomás Cortés Lara; Introducción de Genevieve Glen OP, traducida por Santiago Cortés Sjöberg
Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2018 is the essential resource for lay ministers of care, especially Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This book is updated each year to include the proper Gospel for the current liturgical year. This resource includes all of the official rites a lay minister will need: from Rites of Anointing and Viaticum to bring Holy Communion to and pray and share the Gospel with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community: children; adults; those who suffer from substance abuse, crimes, or oppression; the dying; and those who mourn.
The rites include Communion in Ordinary Circumstances, Communion in a Hospital or Institution, Celebration of Viaticum outside Mass, Orders for the Blessing of the Sick, Visits to the Sick and to a Sick Child, and Pastoral Care of the Dying. It also provides a practical, pastoral introduction to help use this book, the Gospel for Sundays and holy days of obligation for Year A, with new explanations of the Readings, and a list of patron saints for those who are sick and suffering.
Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2018 is the essential resource for lay ministers of care, especially Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This book is updated each year to include the proper Gospel for the current liturgical year. This resource includes all of the official rites a lay minister will need: from Rites of Anointing and Viaticum to bring Holy Communion to and pray and share the Gospel with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community: children; adults; those who suffer from substance abuse, crimes, or oppression; the dying; and those who mourn.
The rites include Communion in Ordinary Circumstances, Communion in a Hospital or Institution, Celebration of Viaticum outside Mass, Orders for the Blessing of the Sick, Visits to the Sick and to a Sick Child, and Pastoral Care of the Dying. It also provides a practical, pastoral introduction to help use this book, the Gospel for Sundays and holy days of obligation for Year A, with new explanations of the Readings, and a list of patron saints for those who are sick and suffering.