Subtitle: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam
Author: Robert Spencer. 252p. Hardcover.
Some Christians view Islam as a sister religion, a branch of the same Abrahamic tree lacking the fullness of revelation but nonetheless a religion of peace. Others are more critical of Islamic teachings but still see Muslims as valuable partners in the global fight against secularization and the Culture of Death. In Not Peace but a Sword, Robert Spencer argues they're both wrong and warns Christians against the danger of thinking that Islam is an easy ally. Many Christian groups, including the Catholic Church, do recognize whatever is good and true in Islam, and their leaders rightly pursue peaceful accord and common ground with all religions. Spencer argues, however, that real peace can come only from truth. Where there is falsehood in Islamic doctrine, morals, and practice, papering over the truth actually hurts the cause of peace. And so Spencer, the New York Times best-selling author of more than a dozen books dealing with Islam and the West, shines the light of truth on areas where Christians and Muslims don't just quibble over small details but fundamentally disagree, including: The character of God, Jesus, and divine revelation The nature of truth and the source of moral law Religious freedom and other basic human rights Life issues, marriage, and sexual morality The rights and dignity of women He demonstrates how these differences are not academic but real-world. They are critical and drive Muslim behavior toward Christians and others. If we fail to open our eyes to these differences, we do so at our peril.
Review Quotes: Robert Spencer is a careful observer of Islam and a courageous voice on behalf of Christians. In Not Peace But a Sword he shows us how to take Islam seriously without falling into alarmism, hatred, or bigotry, and provides a needed corrective to media disinformation. -- Scott Hahn "Fr. Scanlan, Chair of Biblical Theology Franciscan University of Steubenville"
Review Quotes: Robert Spencer carefully examines the challenge posed to Christianity by an increasingly militant Islam. His case is calm, lucid, accurate, and uncompromising in its presentation of the facts of history. He provides an honest and unflinching account of the roots of Christian/Muslim tensions, a robust defense of Jesus Christ and Christianity in response to Muslim claims, and a sobering wake-up call to all Christians. -- Patrick Madrid "Author of Envoy for Christ: 25 Years as a Catholic Apologist and host of the "Right Here, Right Now" radio show"
Review Quotes: A great many Catholics know only a Disney-fied version of Islam, and still cling to the dangerous illusion that Muslims and Christians share much in common. But as Robert Spencer ably demonstrates, beneath the surface similarities lies a deep and possibly unbridgeable gulf. This is must reading not only for Catholics but for all Christians. -- William Kilpatrick, "Author of Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West"
Review Quotes: Dialogue with Islam may be the order of the day, but before we can discuss what we might have in common with Muslims, we had better be aware of the defining differences. This is the invaluable service Spencer provides in this book. With his usual clarity and insight, Spencer gets to the essence of the problems faced by anyone who thinks we can talk our way out of the challenge Islam presents. -- Robert R. Reilly "Author of The Closing of the Muslim Mind"
Author: Robert Spencer. 252p. Hardcover.
Some Christians view Islam as a sister religion, a branch of the same Abrahamic tree lacking the fullness of revelation but nonetheless a religion of peace. Others are more critical of Islamic teachings but still see Muslims as valuable partners in the global fight against secularization and the Culture of Death. In Not Peace but a Sword, Robert Spencer argues they're both wrong and warns Christians against the danger of thinking that Islam is an easy ally. Many Christian groups, including the Catholic Church, do recognize whatever is good and true in Islam, and their leaders rightly pursue peaceful accord and common ground with all religions. Spencer argues, however, that real peace can come only from truth. Where there is falsehood in Islamic doctrine, morals, and practice, papering over the truth actually hurts the cause of peace. And so Spencer, the New York Times best-selling author of more than a dozen books dealing with Islam and the West, shines the light of truth on areas where Christians and Muslims don't just quibble over small details but fundamentally disagree, including: The character of God, Jesus, and divine revelation The nature of truth and the source of moral law Religious freedom and other basic human rights Life issues, marriage, and sexual morality The rights and dignity of women He demonstrates how these differences are not academic but real-world. They are critical and drive Muslim behavior toward Christians and others. If we fail to open our eyes to these differences, we do so at our peril.
Review Quotes: Robert Spencer is a careful observer of Islam and a courageous voice on behalf of Christians. In Not Peace But a Sword he shows us how to take Islam seriously without falling into alarmism, hatred, or bigotry, and provides a needed corrective to media disinformation. -- Scott Hahn "Fr. Scanlan, Chair of Biblical Theology Franciscan University of Steubenville"
Review Quotes: Robert Spencer carefully examines the challenge posed to Christianity by an increasingly militant Islam. His case is calm, lucid, accurate, and uncompromising in its presentation of the facts of history. He provides an honest and unflinching account of the roots of Christian/Muslim tensions, a robust defense of Jesus Christ and Christianity in response to Muslim claims, and a sobering wake-up call to all Christians. -- Patrick Madrid "Author of Envoy for Christ: 25 Years as a Catholic Apologist and host of the "Right Here, Right Now" radio show"
Review Quotes: A great many Catholics know only a Disney-fied version of Islam, and still cling to the dangerous illusion that Muslims and Christians share much in common. But as Robert Spencer ably demonstrates, beneath the surface similarities lies a deep and possibly unbridgeable gulf. This is must reading not only for Catholics but for all Christians. -- William Kilpatrick, "Author of Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West"
Review Quotes: Dialogue with Islam may be the order of the day, but before we can discuss what we might have in common with Muslims, we had better be aware of the defining differences. This is the invaluable service Spencer provides in this book. With his usual clarity and insight, Spencer gets to the essence of the problems faced by anyone who thinks we can talk our way out of the challenge Islam presents. -- Robert R. Reilly "Author of The Closing of the Muslim Mind"