Author: Paul Thigpen. 261p. PB
You hear it everywhere these days: the claim that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth not once, but twice. He's coming in secret to "rapture" Christians from the earth - enabling them to escape the terrible tribulations prophesied in the Bible for the earth's last days.
And what about everyone else? They'll be left behind to face the horrors of the Antichrist. Is this a true Christian teaching? Is it found in the Bible? The short answer: "No!"
In The Rapture Trap, Paul Thigpen lays out in clear, simple terms the biblical foundations of Catholic teaching on the close of the age - the "end times". Along with Scripture, he draws from Tradition, the Catechism, Church history, and contemporary experience to reveal the shortcomings of the rapture doctrine-and the larger tangle of twisted religious teachings to which it's tied.
You'll discover:
The origins of the novel "rapture" doctrine and its theological flaws.
What spiritual dangers await those who are snared by this widespread religious deception?
Why the rapture idea is so seductive to Christians.
Why a merciful God would execute a Final Judgment.
Why Judgment Day will ultimately be a Day of Celebration.
Why "professing Jesus as Lord and Savior" is not enough to save you.
What the Catholic Church teaches (and doesn't teach) about the end of the world.
11 insights the Church offers us about the second coming of Christ.
13 guidelines for discerning the validity of claims to private revelation.
13 guidelines for discerning the validity of "messengers" with claims to private revelation.
The five ways Catholic theologians interpret the Book of Revelation.
What the Church teaches about the Antichrist.
The subtle (and not so subtle) anti-Catholic agenda from promoters of the secret "rapture" doctrine.
Why Christians need a living voice - the Magisterium of the Church - to interpret Sacred Scripture with God's authority.
Pick up your copy of The Rapture Trap today!
You hear it everywhere these days: the claim that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth not once, but twice. He's coming in secret to "rapture" Christians from the earth - enabling them to escape the terrible tribulations prophesied in the Bible for the earth's last days.
And what about everyone else? They'll be left behind to face the horrors of the Antichrist. Is this a true Christian teaching? Is it found in the Bible? The short answer: "No!"
In The Rapture Trap, Paul Thigpen lays out in clear, simple terms the biblical foundations of Catholic teaching on the close of the age - the "end times". Along with Scripture, he draws from Tradition, the Catechism, Church history, and contemporary experience to reveal the shortcomings of the rapture doctrine-and the larger tangle of twisted religious teachings to which it's tied.
You'll discover:
The origins of the novel "rapture" doctrine and its theological flaws.
What spiritual dangers await those who are snared by this widespread religious deception?
Why the rapture idea is so seductive to Christians.
Why a merciful God would execute a Final Judgment.
Why Judgment Day will ultimately be a Day of Celebration.
Why "professing Jesus as Lord and Savior" is not enough to save you.
What the Catholic Church teaches (and doesn't teach) about the end of the world.
11 insights the Church offers us about the second coming of Christ.
13 guidelines for discerning the validity of claims to private revelation.
13 guidelines for discerning the validity of "messengers" with claims to private revelation.
The five ways Catholic theologians interpret the Book of Revelation.
What the Church teaches about the Antichrist.
The subtle (and not so subtle) anti-Catholic agenda from promoters of the secret "rapture" doctrine.
Why Christians need a living voice - the Magisterium of the Church - to interpret Sacred Scripture with God's authority.
Pick up your copy of The Rapture Trap today!