Author: Venerable Louis of Granada, OP. 395 pg. PB
A favorite of St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Vincent de Paul,etc. St. Teresa credited this book with having converted a million people in her time. This is the most persuasive book encouraging people to abandon sin and embrace virtue. The logic is relentless and effective, for mastery of subject, command of Scripture, and total impact on the reader this book is unsurpassed.
A favorite of St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Vincent de Paul,etc. St. Teresa credited this book with having converted a million people in her time. This is the most persuasive book encouraging people to abandon sin and embrace virtue. The logic is relentless and effective, for mastery of subject, command of Scripture, and total impact on the reader this book is unsurpassed.